United Tribes – March 2022

Hi Families,

We know that so much has changed over the last few years.  Many of us find ourselves lost and not knowing which practices and routines are safe to return to, yet alone which ones we want to put back into our lives.  As people who guide young children, we almost always find ourselves “busy”.  Some of us enjoyed having life slow down, myself very much included.  I realized how overpacked our lives were.  So now as we return to normal there is a lot to process and a lot of decisions to be made about what we want our lives to be like going forward.  We want you to know that at UCG we get that.  No one has judged you for your absence.  But please hear this, we HAVE missed you. 

As the children have begun trickling back, I find myself equal parts delighted to see their sweet faces, to see how much they’ve grown and how many teeth they lost but also saddened by how much of their lives I missed.  I leave church both re-filled, full of joy, and feeling a tinge of sadness at what was lost.  I hope though that as we move through that sadness at the things we missed that it becomes easier to experience the joy of reunion.  I pray that we each know we are welcomed back, wanted back, NEEDED back.  Each child in our program brings a voice with them when they come to Tribes.  Each week as more children return, the experience becomes richer for all of us.  Every week I leave feeling as though I have been given a gift from each child I worked with.  So, I wanted to take a moment to tell you that I miss your child.  I feel the loss of them, their absence, and the pangs of wanting our whole church family to be united again.  

Please please please know that I am here.  You are welcome to call, email, or text at any time.  If your child needs help returning, we can do that.  We too have felt how overwhelming the return to routines can be after our slowed down life.  We have ways to assist you and your children with smooth transitions, and we are willing to meet you wherever you find yourself and  your family now.  Know that there are open arms, and people who remember everything about your sweet child waiting to greet them again when you decide it is safe to do so.  Please reach out if there is anything you are struggling with.  If you have no answers and feel lost and unsure, that is ok too.  We can help, and we want to help.

I am including here the calendar for the rest of the year.  My hope is that each family can find something they are able to try again.  In the coming months we will check in with surveys to see what it is you are longing for again.  But until then, we hope you will find something in our schedule to try or that you will simply let us know you are o.k.   We send our love to each of you, and when you are ready, we welcome you with open arms.

In February, our attendance numbers started to go back up.  A good group of kids enjoyed exploring First Corinthians in a variety of ways.  As we move into March, we look toward Lent where we have some new programs as well!  We pray there is something for everyone.


March 6 Tribes Time 

(Tribes time occurs immediately after the children’s story in the 9:15 service and lasts until the conclusion of the 9:15 service.)

Get ready for your children to get excited about social justice and service!  UCG member RD Bonnaghan will join United Tribes to tell our children all about Rebuilding Together and how it serves our community, and then lead them in a hands-on activity that will help put the finishing touches on some homes in the area.


March 3,10,17, 31, and April 7, and 14 Children’s Lenten Series: God is Still With Us

Join Talia, Keri, and special guests for an exciting Lenten Series for kids!  We will meet each Thursday in Lent, beginning March 3 from 6:30-7:15 in Room 9.  Caregivers, drop off your kids and enjoy the Taize service in the courtyard!


March 11, April 8, May 12 Parents’ Night Out

Parents’ Night Out has returned!  Please register in advance by emailing our Childcare Coordinator, Taylor Bourg at tbourg@ucgainesville.org.  Pizza is served.  Games are played.  Movies are watched.  And adults get to enjoy a night out on the town.  


March 13 Tribes Time

We will discuss what exactly Palm Sunday and Easter mean at UCG, but we will do it with games and movement.  It promises to be both fun and meaningful.


March 20 & 27 Tribes Time

Spring Break Sundays will be chock full of outdoor games that celebrate the coming of Spring!  


April 3 Retreat

Retreat is happening this year!  More details will be provided as it approaches.  Be sure to read our newsletter for info.!


April 10 Palm Sunday

Our annual palm parade is here!  The children will wave their palms in parade style through the 9:15 service.  Ah, tradition!


April 17 Easter Sunday

Another tradition returns!  Egg hunts!  Yay!  Our annual Easter Egg hunt occurs immediately following the 9:15 children’s story.


April 23 BCYF Hosts Social Time!

Board of Children, Youth, and Families hosted this fun event last year and it is back by popular demand!  Families meet in the field at One Love at 10a.m.  We have Minute To Win It games for the kids, donuts and coffee for everyone, and adults get to catch up. 


April 24 Tribes Time

We all know the old Stone Soup story, but this morning it will take an interesting and interactive twist as the children work together to create something from nothing.  You may want them to wear messy clothes this day.  The rest is secret for now.


May 1 and 7 Tribes Time

Shay Smith, our Nursery Coordinator and Christmas Pageant Coordinator is also a fabulous dance instructor.  She will be teaching the kids a celebratory dance to welcome spring and new beginnings into our lives.  The dance will be performed on Children’s Sunday.


May 15 Tribes Time

Parts are chosen for our Children’s Sabbath Celebration.  Kids can play a song, do a dance, give a sermon, create art, help the sound crew, decorate the sanctuary… you name it!  


May 22 Children’s Sabbath Service during the 9:15 service

I will probably weep with joy when this delightful tradition returns.  There is nothing greater than watching these children take ownership of their church and share their gifts with all of us!


If there is anything more your souls desire, please reach out to us!  And if you are open to receiving a call from me just to catch up and hear about your kids, please text me your number and a good time to talk.  I would really love to reconnect!  




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