United Tribes – March 2024

What’s New in Tribes?
For month of February, we have learned so much! We focused on Ash Wednesday, learned about how we are stardust, and have even started learning the meaning of lent and how we can use this time for ourselves! We also started working on a song we want to present to you on Easter. We cannot wait to share what we are working on.

March is here and we will be busy getting ready for Easter. Our child care aides and lead teachers, along with Board of Children, Youth, and Family will be getting eggs ready for our annual Easter egg hunt on Easter Sunday. I am asking that you encourage your children to participate in their tribes class each and every Sunday! Especially while we are working on learning our song for Easter. Our Lead teachers are working so hard on really awesome material each week and would love to see your children regularly.

If you have a child registered with us, please consider joining our tribes Facebook page! Also, each week you should receive emails for your child’s teacher about upcoming activities and lessons.

Thank you!

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