World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day is held on December first each year. We remember all of those persons around the world who have died from AIDS-related illnesses and people who are living with HIV; a time to give thanks for the progress that has been made and to reflect on what still needs to be done. It is an opportunity for people around the world to unite to eradicate AIDS and show support for people living with HIV.  May this prayer from the national setting of the UCC be our prayer for all affected by HIV/AIDS.

Compassionate God, we pray on this World AIDS Day with gratitude for your love
that affirms the dignity and worth of each and every person.
Bless us with the courage and wisdom to ensure universal access to prevention, treatment, care and support for all those living with and affected by HIV and AIDS in our country and throughout the world.
We pray for the millions of children who are so profoundly affected by this disease;
the millions of children who are HIV positive,
the orphans, and all those who are vulnerable and at risk.
We pray for women; for HIV positive mothers who seek information and treatment
in order to prevent the spread of HIV; women who experience the injustices of inequality that reduce or deny them control over their own bodies;
women who suffer from violence and abuse; all those who are vulnerable and at risk.
O God, grant them the courage they need.  Help us to provide support and solidarity;
strengthen our resolve, increase the capacity of our HIV prevention efforts,
and guide our actions to work with others to address injustices and vigorously advance gender equality.
We remember that all of us are created in your image.

In the words of the Psalmist, we are “fearfully and wonderfully made” (139:14).  Yet, in many places throughout the world, the human rights of HIV-positive people—the right to health, non-discrimination and equality—are not protected.

May the vision of your beloved community stimulate our engagement and deepen our commitment to health and life abundant for all. May it be so.  Amen.



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