CMRB – A Summer of Congregational Renewal: “Spirituality, However Known”

Summer renewal is coming!

This summer our congregation has the opportunity to participate in a period of renewal. Part of Bromleigh’s sabbatical grant from the Lily Foundation earmarks a portion of the grant for congregational renewal during the sabbatical period. Led by Congregation-Ministry Review Board (CMRB), a cross sectional group of UCGers gathered weekly to vision and plan. RD Bonnaghan, Anne Casella, Jackie Davis, Dick Elkins, Rev. Bromleigh McCleneghan, Helda Montero, Rev. Talia Raymond, Pam Smith, and Steffie Wohlgemuth lent their varying perspectives, talents and creativity to our shared task. (You couldn’t ask for a better committee to vision and work with!)

Our theme for the summer is “Spirituality However Known: Value, Meaning, Transcendence, Becoming, and Connecting.” Each week we will focus on different aspects of our theme. We have curated a series of guest preachers, who along with our own Revs. Talia Raymond, Larry Reimer, Sandy Reimer, and Chad McGinnis will lead us in weekly worship. We will explore different faith traditions and perspectives alongside our usual summer touch points such as our beloved Work Tour Sunday.

In addition to this variety of worship topics, we will also have weekly congregation wide activities available to help us recharge and renew. Some of the upcoming events include a UCG StoryCorps, Art activities, a Summer reading book tasting, Concentric connections, and even a picnic and ice cream social to name a few. In addition, our weekly children’s programming will build on the each week’s sermon topics under Talia’s skillful guidance.

We are putting the final touches on the full schedule and will release it in the coming week. Does this sound like an exciting summer to come? When you look at the variety and scope of this summer’s calendar, we hope that you are excited and look forward to these weeks spent in collective renewal.

Helda Montero, CMRB co-chair

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