Town Hall Notice – May 2024

Dear friends,

Over the last several weeks, we have received many questions about the process that led to the decision to restructure our office staff. We have also heard the need for more clarity and understanding about the related UCG policies and procedures. It is always the goal of church leadership to faithfully uphold our governing documents, and to do so in a manner that is open and transparent. Despite our best efforts to do this, there remain questions about the process. We have also received wise counsel from fellow congregation members that this process would be best undertaken with the expertise of a trained facilitator. Having this expertise available to us would help us ask the questions that need asking and process the things that need processing in a way that preserves our shared care and concern for each other.

We hear you, and we agree. To address the questions about the staffing restructuring process directly and openly, we will be holding a Town Hall meeting on Sunday, May 5 at 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary and on Zoom. Tricia Bachus will be our moderator.

Tricia is Senior Leadership and Organizational Development Specialist for the Training & Organizational Development team within UF Human Resources. She has experience in strategic planning and assessment, organizational and team development, and leadership strategies. With more than 30 years of experience in both the corporate and non-profit sectors, she recently moved back to Gainesville after being gone for eight years to work as an executive for a national youth development organization.

In consultation with Tricia, we have established the following guidelines for our Town Hall:

The topic of this Town Hall will focus on the staffing restructure process. Focusing on one topic will help us proceed with clarity and will allow us to make the most of our time together.

We ask that questions be submitted in writing ahead of time. We take your questions and need for information very seriously. We want to do our level best to provide accurate information. The restructuring process was the result of many hours of discussion and deliberation. Not all involved can be present at the Town Hall. This way, we can ensure that we can answer your questions. We seek to avoid having to say “we don’t know” to any questions, as we understand that would not be helpful.
There will be time for follow-up questions that may arise from the questions presented in writing.

Follow-up questions should also focus on the staffing restructure process.

It is important that we hear from as many folks as are interested in speaking. Each person asking a follow-up question will have 2 minutes to speak. Again, our goal is to have as many voices as possible.

Please submit your questions to by Wednesday, May 1.

Childcare will be provided at request. Please contact Julia Crawford at

Next Steps:

We know that one discussion won’t answer all questions or solve all concerns. We are working hard to coordinate other opportunities to address this – we hope to have details finalized to share with you at the Town Hall.

Although this has been a difficult time in our church’s life, we continue to see each other and to work together to find our way forward. That is the strength of our model, and the strength of who we are.
As always, please share any questions or concerns you have with us. Thank you for caring so much about our church and its members.

– The Lay Leadership Team and Ministers

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